When is a maternity test needed?
Requests for maternity DNA testing are far less than those for paternity DNA testing; this is because there rarely are doubts regarding the issue of maternity.
In the case of immigration testing, maternity tests are carried out in order to prove to the immigration authorities that a biological relationship exists between alleged mother and child. If you require a maternity test for immigration we are able to organize it but we suggest you view our page on immigration DNA testing for more information about this type of test.
Your DNA test result will display a table showing the DNA profile of the mother and child. In a maternal DNA testing result, the minimum probabilities are in excess of 99.99 %.
Carrying out your test
The DNA maternity test is an at-home test. Our easy-to-use kit enables DNA sampling from the comfort of your own home. You can collect your samples using the mouth swabs inside the kit. Before collecting the samples, it is best to avoid eating or drinking or brushing one’s teeth as this could contaminate the sample. Samples are collected by rubbing the mouth swabs inside the mouth for a couple of minutes. Once sampling is completed, DNA samples can be returned for laboratory analysis.
In cases where it may not be possible for you to collect samples using the mouth swabs we provide, we offer a vast range of Forensic samples such as hair, fingernails and cigarette ends.
Your maternity test results
Maternity testing uses a process of analysis in the laboratory known as PCR or Polymerase Chain Reaction. This technique makes it possible for very small samples of DNA to be used and analysed with extreme accuracy by creating thousands of copies of the DNA strand. Once DNA profiles for the mother and child are extracted, they are compared to each other to confirm whether the DNA profiles match. Due to the fact that a child inherits 50% of his or her genes from their mother, we can confirm maternity if there is a match between the DNA profiles (meaning child and mother share the same genetic markers). If the mother is the biological mother of the child, the result will show a 99.9% probability. If the child is not the biological child of the mother, the result will show a 0% probability.