TORONTO, Canada 10/12/14 – homeDNAdirect has recently donated to LauraLynn which is a charity for children which cares for families from all over Ireland providing respite, end-of-life and home care to children with life limiting conditions.

homeDNAdirect has integrated corporate social responsibility into its business model, working towards efforts that make a positive contribution to society. The Sales and Marketing manager for homeDNAdirect states that “just like LauraLynn, homeDNAdirect is also based in Dublin. We, as a company, have set out to help out local charities – this is something we have done and will keep doing in future. We believe that even the smallest donation can go a long way helping the many local charities and NGOs which are in dire need of funds to help them fulfil their missions and goals. Through such donations, homeDNAdirect can help towards making changes for the better to the local community to improve the quality of life for society at large”
LauraLynn receives no state funding and relies on donations and help from third parties and volunteers. The charity offers children’s palliative care which is delivered through a Multi-disciplinary Team. LauraLynn works in partnership with the child’s primary care team “with a shared goal of ensuring high quality Respite, Crisis, Transitional and End-of-life care, between Hospital, Hospice and Home”.
homeDNAdirect’s donation to LauraLynn is just one of a series of charitable donations made worldwide aimed at promoting a pro-active corporate conscious towards helping those in need. “We firmly believe in corporate philanthropy. As a company, this is simple and reputation enhancing way of improving our brand image and corporate social identity but we also know that we are making a difference to the community out there who need donations, volunteers and help. What Lauralynn do has really touched us a company and we hope other companies will find the impetus to help the many charities around the world”.
A client testimonial for the charity is worthy of mention as it embodies the emotions and gratitude of many families, parents and caregivers: “You and your child will have the best possible care until the end and beyond. LauraLynn cradled Victoria safely in love until she died in June 2012. Thanks to LauraLynn we can remember and talk about Victoria with a smile. With LauraLynn -You are not alone anymore.” Sharon, Victoria’s Mum
To Read more about our charity work with LauraLynn click here.