TORONTO, Canada – 02/02/2015 Leading Toronto-based, DNA testing company homeDNAdirect has recently donated to Canada’s the Children’s Breakfast Club. The Children’s Breakfast Club is a non-profit charitable organization, operated by donations from corporations and individuals, which holds the philosophy that every child is entitled to a nutritious breakfast.
In relation to this recent donation homeDNAdirect’s states that “These organisations that do so much to help the community have really struck a chord with us. An estimated 4,000 meals are served each week in the 20+ clubs across the Greater Toronto area by the Children’s Breakfast Club. An estimated 4,000 to 5,000 school age children are fed a nutritious breakfast weekly and are offered social and intellectual stimulation at the 17 breakfast clubs operating across Toronto. Such organisations are valuable in helping the next generation get the best start in life possible and where better to begin but with a good breakfast”

An article published in the Toronto Star Newspaper – published Wednesday, June 20, 2012, states the following “Research shows that eating habits are established early and that eating a healthy breakfast helps prevent obesity and other chronic health problems. Well-fed children also do better in school, score better in math, and are less likely to drop out or be suspended, the report notes.” In relation to the findings of this piece of research, homeDNAdirect’s Operations Manager states that “Children need to start their day on the right foot, with a health breakfast to provide them with the energy they need to perform well in school. An educated and healthy workforce is key to a healthy economy and a better community”.
The company has been searching for opportunities whereby it can help non-government organisations, charities and non-profit, voluntary citizens’ groups in the various locations in which it operates; something which it considers part of developing a corporate conscience: “Organizations like ours should work towards greater awareness of societal realities, and of the organization’s impact within the communities they operate in”.
The company has recently donated to Lauralynn, an Irish based charity for children which cares for families from all over Ireland providing respite, end-of-life and home care to children with life limiting conditions. homeDNAdirect believes that even the smallest donation can go a long way helping the many local charities and NGOs which are in dire need of funds to help them fulfil their missions and goals. On a concluding note, a company representative added that “Although we do believe that charity begins at home and we have mainly worked with organisations in countries in which we operate, we are happy to consider any philanthropic organisation especially where we have offices and we can reach out to local charities”. To view the website for the Children’s Breakfast Club, click here.